A simple interactive horizontal numerical slider.


@:value({ height : 10, width : 50 })new(width:Int = 50, height:Int = 10, ?parent:Object)

Create a new Slider width specified dimensions and parent.



The width of the Slider interactive area.


The height of the Slider interactive area.


An optional parent h2d.Object instance to which Sliders adds itself if set.



Tile of the slider current position caret.

Defaults to the monocolor #CCCCCC Tile with the size of 5 x Slider.height.

@:value(1)maxValue:Float = 1

The maximum value the Slider can allow.

@:value(0)minValue:Float = 0

The minimum value the Slider can allow.


The slider background tile.

If Tile width does not match with Slider width, it will be resized through Tile.setSize to match the Slider width.

Defaults to the monocolor 0x808080 Tile with the size of Slider.width x 4 and centered vertically within Slider.height.

@:value(0)value:Float = 0

Current value of the Slider. When set, will be clamped to minValue <= value <= maxValue.



Sent when slider value is changed by user.

Not sent if value is set manually from software side.

Inherited Variables

Defined by Interactive

@:value(false)allowMultiClick:Bool = false

When enabled, allows to receive several onClick events the same frame.


If set, Interactive will draw a Tile with [width, height] dimensions of specified color (including alpha).

@:value(false)cancelEvents:Bool = false

Set the default hxd.Event.cancel mode.

@:value(Button)cursor:Null<Cursor> = Button

Cursor used when Interactive is under mouse cursor.

@:value(false)enableRightButton:Bool = false

When enabled, interacting with secondary mouse buttons (right button/wheel) will cause onPush, onClick, onRelease and onReleaseOutside callbacks. Otherwise those callbacks will only be triggered with primary mouse button (left button).


Height of the Interactive. Ignored if Interactive.shape is set.


Performs an elliptic hit-test instead of rectangular one based on Interactive.width and height. Ignored if Interactive.shape is set.

@:value(false)propagateEvents:Bool = false

Set the default hxd.Event.propagate mode.


Detailed shape collider for Interactive. If set, width and height properties are ignored for collision checks.

@:value(0)shapeX:Float = 0

Detailed shape X offset from Interactive.

@:value(0)shapeY:Float = 0

Detailed shape Y offset from Interactive.


Width of the Interactive. Ignored if Interactive.shape is set.

Defined by Object


A flag that indicates whether the object was allocated or not.

When adding children to allocated objects, onAdd is being called immediately, otherwise it's delayed until the whole tree is added to a currently active Scene.

@:value(1.)alpha:Float = 1.

The amount of transparency of the Object.

@:value(Alpha)blendMode:BlendMode = Alpha

The blending mode of the object.

If there is no Object.filter active, only applies to the current object (not inherited by children). Otherwise tells how the filter is blended with background.


The post process filter for this object.

When set, Object.alpha value affects both filter and object transparency (use Drawable.color.a to set transparency only for the object).


The name of the object. Can be used to retrieve an object within a tree by using Object.getObjectByName.

read onlynumChildren:Int

How many immediate children this object has.

read onlyparent:Object

The parent object in the scene tree.


The parent container of this object. See Object.contentChanged for more details.


A flag that indicates that the object transform was modified and absolute position recalculation is required.

Automatically cleared on Object.sync and can be manually synced with the Object.syncPos.

@:value(0)rotation:Float = 0

The rotation angle of this object, in radians.

@:value(1)scaleX:Float = 1

The amount of horizontal scaling of this object.

@:value(1)scaleY:Float = 1

The amount of vertical scaling of this object.

@:value(true)visible:Bool = true

Is the object and its children are displayed on screen.

@:value(0)x:Float = 0

The x position (in pixels) of the object relative to its parent.

@:value(0)y:Float = 0

The y position (in pixels) of the object relative to its parent.

Inherited Methods

Defined by Interactive


Removes focus from interactive if it's focused. If Interactive is currently focused - onFocusLost event will be sent. Interactive won't lose focus if during onFocusLost call it will set Event.cancel to true.


Sets focus on this Interactive. If Interactive was not already focused and it receives focus - onFocus event is sent. Interactive won't become focused if during onFocus call it will set Event.cancel to true.


Checks if Interactive is currently focused.


Checks if Interactive is currently hovered by the mouse.


Sent every frame when user hovers an Interactive but does not move the mouse. See Interactive.onMove for event when user moves the mouse.

Cancelling the Event will prevent interactive from becoming overed, causing Interactive.onOut if it was overed previously. Interactive would be treated as not overed as long as event is cancelled even if mouse is within the hitbox area.


Sent when the Interactive is clicked by the user.

Can be prevented to fire by calling Interactive.preventClick during or after Interactive.onPush event.

Interactive.onRelease is sent with Event.kind being ERelease just before this event.


Sent when Interactive receives focus during Interactive.focus call.

Cancelling the Event will prevent the Interactive from becoming focused.


Sent when Interactive lost focus either via Interactive.blur call or when user clicks on another Interactive/outside this Interactive hitbox area.

Cancelling the Event will prevent the Interactive from losing focus.


Sent when this Interactive is focused and user pressed a keyboard key. Pressed key can be accessed through Event.keyCode.


Sent when this Interactive is focused and user unpressed a keyboard key. Unpressed key can be accessed through Event.keyCode.


Sent when user moves within the Interactive hitbox area. See Interactive.onCheck for event when user does not move the mouse.

Cancelling the Event will prevent interactive from becoming overed, causing Interactive.onOut if it was overed previously. Interactive would be treated as not overed as long as event is cancelled even if mouse is within the hitbox area.


Sent when mouse exits Interactive hitbox area. Event.propagate and Event.cancel are ignored during onOut.


Sent when mouse enters Interactive hitbox area.

Event.propagate and Event.cancel are ignored during onOver. Propagation can be set with onMove event, as well as cancelling onMove will prevent onOver.


Sent when Interactive is pressed by the user.


Sent when Interactive is unpressed under multiple circumstances. Always sent if user releases mouse while it is inside Interactive hitbox area.

		This happens regardless if that Interactive was pressed prior or not,
		and due to that it's not guaranteed that `Interactive.onPush` would precede this event.
		`Event.kind` is set to `ERelease` during this event.

Sent before Interactive.onReleaseOutside if this Interactive was pressed, but released outside its hitbox area.

		`Event.kind` is set to `EReleaseOutside` during this event.

	See `Interactive.onClick` and `Interactive.onReleaseOutside` methods for separate events that trigger only when user interacts with this particular Interactive.


Sent when user presses the Interactive, moves the mouse outside its hitbox area and releases the mouse button.

Can be prevented to fire by calling Interactive.preventClick during or after Interactive.onPush event.

Interactive.onRelease is sent with Event.kind being EReleaseOutside just before this event.


Sent when this Interactive is focused and user inputs text. Character added can be accessed through Event.charCode.


Sent when user scrolls mouse wheel above the Interactive. Wheel delta can be obtained through the Event.wheelDelta.


Reset current pressed state of the Interactive, preventing the onClick or onReleaseOutside being triggered when user releases mouse button.

startCapture(callb:Event ‑> Void, ?onCancel:() ‑> Void, ?touchId:Int):Void

Starts input events capture and redirects them to callb method until Interactive.stopCapture is called. While the method name may imply that only mouse events would be captured: This is not the case, as it will also capture all other input events, including keyboard events.

Starting event capture through Interactive.startCapture will convert Event.relX and relY to local coordinates of the Interactive and will restore them after invoking callb. In order to receive coordinates in scene coordinate space use Scene.startCapture.



A callback method that receives hxd.Event when input event happens. Unless callb sets Event.propagate to true, event won't be sent to other Interactives.


An optional callback that is invoked when Interactive.stopCapture is called.


Stops current input event capture.

Defined by Object

private@:dox(show)addBounds(relativeTo:Object, out:Bounds, dx:Float, dy:Float, width:Float, height:Float):Void

Adds specified area in local coordinate space to the bounds. Expected to be used within Object.getBoundsRec.



An object relative to which the Object bounds coordinates should be. If not set, coordinates are in absolute coordinate space.


An output Bounds instance.


The top-left X offset of the added bounds rectangle.


The top-left Y offset of the added bounds rectangle.


The width of the added bounds rectangle.


The height of the added bounds rectangle.


Add a child object at the end of the children list.

addChildAt(s:Object, pos:Int):Void

Insert a child object at the specified position of the children list.


Internal usage Calculates the absolute object position transform. See `Object.syncPos` for a safe position sync method. This method does not ensure that object parents also have up-to-date transform nor does it clear the `Object.posChanged` flag.

private@:value({ scaleY : 1., scaleX : 1. })@:dox(show)clipBounds(ctx:RenderContext, bounds:Bounds, scaleX:Float = 1., scaleY:Float = 1.):Void

Internal usage Clip the local bounds with our global viewport. Used during filter rendering in order to clip out areas that are off-screen and should not be rendered.

h2d.Scene note: clipBounds will always output bounds equivalent to entire window. This is done in order for scene to never clip out cameras as they may render virtually any area of the Scene.

private@:dox(show)constraintSize(maxWidth:Float, maxHeight:Float):Void

Advanced usage This can be called by a parent container to constraint the size of its children. Negative value mean that constraint is to be disabled.

For example, Text constraints it's maximum width, causing word-wrap to occur within constrained area.

See also:


Tells if the object is contained into this object children, recursively.


Advanced usage Called by the children of a container object if they have `parentContainer` defined in them. Primary use-case is when the child size got changed, requiring content to reevaluate positioning such as `Flow` layouts, but also can be used for other purposes.


Override this method in order to add custom graphics rendering to your Object. draw is invoked before rendering of the object children.


Draw the object and all its children into the given Texture.

drawToTextures(texs:Array<Texture>, outputs:Array<Output>):Void

Draw the object and all its children into the given Textures.

private@:dox(show)emitTile(ctx:RenderContext, tile:Tile):Void

Draws single Tile instance with this Object transform.

find<T>(f:Object ‑> Null<T>):Null<T>

Find a single object in the tree by calling f on each and returning the first not-null value returned, or null if not found.

findAll<T>(f:Object ‑> Null<T>, ?arr:Array<T>):Array<T>

Find several objects in the tree by calling f on each and returning all the not-null values returned.



An optional array instance to fill results with. Allocates a new array if not set.


Returns the updated absolute position matrix. See Object.getMatrix for current matrix values.

getBounds(?relativeTo:Object, ?out:Bounds):Bounds

Return the bounds of the object for its whole content, recursively.



An optional object relative to coordinates of which bounds are returned. Returns bounds in the absolute coordinates if not set.


An optional bounds instance to fill. Allocates new Bounds instance and returns it if not set.

private@:dox(show)getBoundsRec(relativeTo:Object, out:Bounds, forSize:Bool):Void

Override this method in order to expand the reported bounds of an object. Object.addBounds can be used to add bounds with respect to relativeTo. Do not remove the super call.



An object relative to which the Object bounds coordinates should be.


An output Bounds instance.


Whether it's being called for Object.getSize or Object.getBounds.


Return the nth element among the immediate children list of this object, or null if there is no Object at this position.


Return the index of the object o within the immediate children list of this object, or -1 if it is not part of the children list.


Populates m with current absolute object transform values. See Object.getAbsPos for up-to-date values.


Search for an object recursively by name, return null if not found.


Return the total number of children in the whole tree, recursively.


Returns an h2d.Scene down the hierarchy tree or null if object is not added to Scene.


Similar to getBounds(parent), but instead of the full content, it will return the size based on the alignment of the object. For instance for a text, Object.getBounds will return the full glyphs size whereas getSize will ignore the pixels under the baseline.



An optional bounds instance to fill. Allocates new Bounds instance and returns it if not set.


Convert an absolute screen position into a local position relative to the object origin, applying all the inherited transforms.



A position to convert and return. Modifies the Point instance as is.


Return an iterator over this object immediate children


Convert a local position (or [0,0] if pt is null) relative to the object origin into an absolute screen position, applying all the inherited transforms.



An optional position to convert and return. Allocates new Point at 0,0 position if not set. Modifies the Point instance as is.

move(dx:Float, dy:Float):Void

Move the object by the specified amount along its current direction (Object.rotation angle).


Sent when object is being added to an allocated scene.

Do not remove the super call when overriding.


Should be called when Object content was changed in order to notify parent container. See Object.contentChanged.


Sent when object was already allocated and moved within scene object tree hierarchy.

Do not remove the super call when overriding.



Whether Object was moved withing same parent (through Layers.ysort for example) or relocated to a new one.


Sent when object is removed from the allocated scene.

Do not remove the super call when overriding.


Same as parent.removeChild(this), but does nothing if parent is null.


Remove the given object from the immediate children list of the object if it's part of it.


Remove all children from the immediate children list.


Rotate the object by the given angle (in radians)


Scale uniformly the object by the given factor.


Sets the parent container for this Object and it's children. See Object.contentChanged for more details.

inlinesetPosition(x:Float, y:Float):Void

Set the position of the object relative to its parent.


Set the uniform scale for the object.


Performs a sync of data for rendering (such as absolute position recalculation). While this method can be used as a substitute to an update loop, it's primary purpose it to prepare the Object to be rendered.

Do not remove the super call when overriding.


Ensures that object has an up-to-date position transform.