Static methods



staticR(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float):Matrix

@:value({ z : 1.0, y : 1., x : 1. })staticS(x:Float = 1., y:Float = 1., z:Float = 1.0):Matrix

@:value({ z : 0., y : 0., x : 0. })staticT(x:Float = 0., y:Float = 0., z:Float = 0.):Matrix

staticlookAtX(dir:Vector, ?up:Vector, ?m:Matrix):Null<Matrix>

Build a rotation Matrix so the X axis will look at the given direction, and the Z axis will be the Up vector ([0,0,1] by default)

@:op(a * b)staticinlinemultiplied(this:MatrixImpl, m:Matrix):Matrix