An abstract around an Array of Points that define a polygonal shape that can be collision-tested against.

See also:

Static variables

staticread onlylength:Int

The amount of vertices in the polygon.

staticread onlypoints:Array<Point>

The underlying Array of vertices.

Static methods


Calculates total area of the Polygon.


Calculates a centroid of the Polygon and returns its position.

@:value({ isConvex : false })@:noDebugstaticcontains(this:Array<Point>, p:Point, isConvex:Bool = false):Bool

Tests if Point p is inside this Polygon.



The point to test against.


Use simplified collision test suited for convex polygons. Results are undefined if polygon is concave.


Returns a new Polygon containing a convex hull of this Polygon. See Monotone chain algorithm for more details.

staticdistance(this:Array<Point>, pt:Point, ?outside:Bool):Float

Return the distance of pt to the closest edge. If outside is true, only return a positive value if pt is outside the polygon, zero otherwise If outside is false, only return a positive value if pt is inside the polygon, zero otherwise

staticdistanceSq(this:Array<Point>, pt:Point, ?outside:Bool):Float

Same as distance but returns the squared value


Uses EarCut algorithm to quickly triangulate the polygon. This will not create the best triangulation possible but is quite solid wrt self-intersections and merged points. Returns the points indexes

staticfindClosestPoint(this:Array<Point>, pt:Point, maxDist:Float):Null<Point>

Returns closest Polygon vertex to Point pt within set maximum distance.



The point to test against.


Maximum distance vertex can be away from pt before it no longer considered close.


A Point instance in the Polygon representing closest vertex (not the copy). null if no vertices were found near the pt within maxDist.

staticgetBounds(this:Array<Point>, ?b:Bounds):Null<Bounds>

Returns bounding box of the Polygon.



Optional Bounds instance to be filled. Returns new Bounds instance if null.

@:value({ isConvex : false })staticgetCollider(this:Array<Point>, isConvex:Bool = false):PolygonCollider

Returns new PolygonCollider instance containing this Polygon.



Use simplified collision test suited for convex polygons. Results are undefined if polygon is concave.


Tests if polygon points are in the clockwise order.


Tests if polygon is convex or concave.

@:value({ npoints : 0 })staticmakeCircle(x:Float, y:Float, radius:Float, npoints:Int = 0):Polygon

staticoptimize(this:Array<Point>, epsilon:Float):Polygon

Creates a new optimized polygon by eliminating almost colinear edges according to epsilon distance.

staticprojectPoint(this:Array<Point>, pt:Point):Null<Point>

Return the closest point on the edges of the polygon

@:value({ oriented : false })staticrayIntersection(this:Array<Point>, r:Ray, bestMatch:Bool, oriented:Bool = false):Float


Reverses the Polygon points ordering. Can be used to change polygon from anti-clockwise to clockwise.


Check if polygon self-intersect

@:value({ scale : 1. })statictoIPolygon(this:Array<Point>, scale:Float = 1.):IPolygon

Converts Polygon to Int-based IPolygon.


Returns new Segments instance containing polygon edges.

statictransform(this:Array<Point>, mat:Matrix):Void

Transforms Polygon points by provided matrix.