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Example ScaleMode2D

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Demonstration of different 2D scale modes in Heaps

import hxd.Key;
import h2d.Scene;

class ScaleMode2D extends SampleApp {

  override function init()

    var bg = new h2d.Bitmap(h2d.Tile.fromColor(0x333333), s2d);
    var minBg = new h2d.Bitmap(h2d.Tile.fromColor(0x222222), s2d);


    var mode:Int = 0;
    // Width and height used in Stretch, LetterBox, Fixed and AutoZoom
    var width:Int = 320;
    var height:Int = 240;
    // Zoom used in Fixed and Zoom
    var zoom:Float = 1;
    // Integer Scale used in LetterBox and AutoZoom
    var intScale:Bool = false;
    // Vertical and Horizontal Align used in LetterBox and Fixed.
    var halign:ScaleModeAlign = Center;
    var valign:ScaleModeAlign = Center;

    var sceneInfo:h2d.Text = null;

    function setMode()
      switch ( mode ) {
        case 0:
          s2d.scaleMode = Resize;
        case 1:
          s2d.scaleMode = Stretch(width, height);
        case 2:
          s2d.scaleMode = LetterBox(width, height, intScale, halign, valign);
        case 3:
          s2d.scaleMode = Fixed(width, height, zoom, valign, halign);
        case 4:
          s2d.scaleMode = Zoom(zoom);
        case 5:
          s2d.scaleMode = AutoZoom(width, height, intScale);
      minBg.scaleX = width;
      minBg.scaleY = height;
      bg.scaleX = s2d.width;
      bg.scaleY = s2d.height;
      sceneInfo.text = "Scene size: " + s2d.width + "x" + s2d.height;

    addText("Press R to set ScaleMode to Resize");
    addChoice("ScaleMode", ScaleMode.getConstructors(), function(idx) { mode = idx; }, 0);
    addSlider("width", function() { return width; }, function(v) { width =; }, 0, 800);
    addSlider("height", function() { return height; }, function(v) { height =; }, 0, 600);
    addSlider("zoom", function() { return zoom; }, function(v) { zoom = v; }, 0.01, 5);
    addCheck("integerScale", function() { return intScale; }, function(v) { intScale = v; });
    addChoice("HAlign", ["Left", "Center", "Right"], function(v) { halign = [Left, Center, Right][v]; }, 1 );
    addChoice("VAlign", ["Top", "Center", "Bottom"], function(v) { valign = [Top, Center, Bottom][v]; }, 1 );
    addButton("Apply", setMode);
    sceneInfo = addText("");
    addText("Light-grey: Actual Scene width and height");
    addText("Dark-grey: Parameter-specified width and height");


  override function update(dt:Float)
    if (Key.isReleased(Key.R)) s2d.scaleMode = Resize;

  static function main() {
    new ScaleMode2D();


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