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Example Helpers

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Turning Cube and highlighted axes XYZ (use mouse keys to move camera)

import hxd.Res;
import h3d.Vector;
import h3d.scene.*;
import h3d.scene.fwd.*;

class Helpers extends hxd.App {

  var time = 0.0;
  var cube : Mesh;
  var pointLights = new Array<PointLight>();

  override function init() { 5, 5, 5 ); 70, );

    new AxesHelper( s3d );
    new GridHelper( s3d, 10, 10 );

    var prim = new h3d.prim.Cube( 1, 1, 1, true );

    cube = new Mesh( prim, s3d );
    cube.setPosition( 0, 0, 2 );
    cube.material.shadows = false;

    new AxesHelper( cube, 1 );

    cast(s3d.lightSystem,h3d.scene.fwd.LightSystem).ambientLight.set( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 );

    var dirLight = new DirLight( new Vector( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5 ), s3d );
    dirLight.enableSpecular = true;

    var pointLightColors =  [0xEB304D,0x7FC309,0x288DF9];
    for( i in 0...pointLightColors.length ) {
      var l = new PointLight( s3d );
      l.enableSpecular = true;
      l.color.setColor( pointLightColors[i] );
      pointLights.push( l );
      new PointLightHelper( l );

    new CameraController(s3d).loadFromCamera();

  override function update( dt : Float ) {

    time += dt;

    cube.rotate( 0.01, 0.02, 0.03 );

    pointLights[0].x = Math.sin( time ) * 3;
    pointLights[1].y = Math.sin( time ) * 3;
    pointLights[2].z = Math.sin( time ) * 3;

  static function main() {
    new Helpers();

class AxesHelper extends h3d.scene.Graphics {

  public function new( ?parent : h3d.scene.Object, size = 2.0, colorX = 0xEB304D, colorY = 0x7FC309, colorZ = 0x288DF9, lineWidth = 2.0 ) {

    super( parent );

    material.props = h3d.mat.MaterialSetup.current.getDefaults( "ui" );

    lineShader.width = lineWidth;

    setColor( colorX );
    lineTo( size, 0, 0 );

    setColor( colorY );
    moveTo( 0, 0, 0 );
    lineTo( 0, size, 0 );

    setColor( colorZ );
    moveTo( 0, 0, 0 );
    lineTo( 0, 0, size );

class GridHelper extends h3d.scene.Graphics {

  public function new( ?parent : Object, size = 10.0, divisions = 10, color1 = 0x444444, color2 = 0x888888, lineWidth = 1.0 ) {

    super( parent );

    material.props = h3d.mat.MaterialSetup.current.getDefaults( "ui" );

    lineShader.width = lineWidth;

    var hsize = size / 2;
    var csize = size / divisions;
    var center = divisions / 2;
    for( i in 0...divisions+1 ) {
      var p = i * csize;
      setColor( ( i!=0 && i!=divisions && i%center==0 ) ? color2 : color1 );
      moveTo( -hsize + p, -hsize, 0 );
      lineTo( -hsize + p, -hsize + size, 0 );
      moveTo( -hsize, -hsize + p, 0 );
      lineTo( -hsize + size, -hsize + p, 0 );

class PointLightHelper extends h3d.scene.Mesh {

  public function new( light : h3d.scene.fwd.PointLight, sphereSize = 0.5 ) {
    var prim = new h3d.prim.Sphere( sphereSize, 4, 2 );
    super( prim, light );
    material.color = light.color.toVector4();
    material.mainPass.wireframe = true;

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