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When using any h2d.Scene (s2d when inside hxd.App) you have all features of the h2d.Layers class already available. This is because h2d.Scene extends h2d.Layers.

Layers give more control over what is rendered first. You can control what is in front and what is in the back. In the demo below clouds are supposed to be in front and not in the back behind a house or meadow!.

Basically you have two features here:

  1. The first is you can place h2d.Objects at specific layers by s2d.addChildAt( myobj, MY_LAYER ). 0 will be the layer the most in the background, while each higher layer is rendered over/above the precedent layer. Usually you predefine your layer indices in some way for instance by final MY_LAYER_NAME : Int = 23; (see in the sample below) so you know what each integer (Int value) stands for.

  2. The second feature is that the layer class also allows to control objects individually by .over() and .under(). Finally you can benefit from the ysort() method to order a layer. In the sample below this will prevent housings to overlap in a weird way. A house farther away from our viewpoint should be rendered behind houses that are closer!


Note that the clouds are on top of all other objects. The green soil stains (meadows) are the most beneath (because they use layer 0). The houses regard their y-Position: When another house has a lower y value it is rendered behind its competitor (and not awkwardly in front)!

class LayersDemo extends hxd.App {
    var clouds : Array<h2d.Object> = [];
    var LAYER_FOR_SOIL : Int = 0;
    var LAYER_FOR_BUILDINGS : Int = 1;
    var LAYER_FOR_SKY : Int = 2;
    static function main() {new LayersDemo();}
    function new() {super();}
    override function init() {
        engine.backgroundColor = 0xFF33cc33; // game's background color is now green
        for( i in 0...40 )
        for( i in 0...40 )
        for( i in 0...20 )
        // button to add houses
        var addHouseButton = new h2d.Interactive( 200, 32, s2d ); addHouseButton.backgroundColor = 0xFF0000FF;
        addHouseButton.onClick = (e)->{ var h = add_house(); trace('New house at (${h.x}|${h.y})'); };
        var t = new h2d.Text( hxd.res.DefaultFont.get(), addHouseButton );
        t.text = "Press here to add a house";
    function add_house() : h2d.Object {
        var g = new h2d.Graphics();
        g.beginFill( 0xFFFFFF );
        g.drawRect( -20, 0, 40, 24 );
        // a window
        g.beginFill( 0x6699ff );
        g.drawRect( -8, 8, 8, 8 );
        g.beginFill( 0x6699ff );
        g.drawRect(  2, 8, 8, 8 );
        // roof
        g.beginFill( 0xFF0000 );
        g.addVertex( -20,   0, 1, 0, 0, 1 );
        g.addVertex(   0, -16, 1, 0, 0, 1 );
        g.addVertex(  20,   0, 1, 0, 0, 1 );
        g.addVertex( -20,   0, 1, 0, 0, 1 );
        set_to_random_postion( g );
        s2d.addChildAt( g, LAYER_FOR_BUILDINGS );
        return g; // allows to receive the reference to the created object...
    function add_cloud() {
        var g = new h2d.Graphics();
        // Haxe is very mighty when it comes to functions:
        var add_row_of_bubbles = (maxAmountAdd:Int, yLevel:Float ) -> {
            var bubbles : Int = 3 + Math.round( hxd.Math.random( maxAmountAdd ) );
            var colors : haxe.ds.Vector<Int> = new haxe.ds.Vector(3);
            colors[0] = 0xFFFFFF; colors[1] = 0xf2f2f2; colors[2] = 0xe6e6e6;
            var i : Int = Math.round( hxd.Math.random( colors.length-1) );
            g.beginFill( colors[i] );
            for( i in 0...bubbles )
                g.drawCircle( -16+hxd.Math.random(32), 0+yLevel, 4 + hxd.Math.random(8) );
        add_row_of_bubbles( 8, -8 );  // upper level of bubbles
        add_row_of_bubbles( 24,  0 ); // lower level of bubbles
        set_to_random_postion( g );
        clouds.push( g );
        s2d.addChildAt( g, LAYER_FOR_SKY );
    function add_soil_stain() {
        var g = new h2d.Graphics();
        g.beginFill( 0x84e184 ); // lighter green
        g.drawEllipse( 0, 0, 32 + hxd.Math.random(64), 8 + hxd.Math.random(8) );
        set_to_random_postion( g );
        s2d.addChildAt( g, LAYER_FOR_SOIL );
    function set_to_random_postion( obj:h2d.Object ) {
        obj.setPosition( hxd.Math.random( s2d.width ), hxd.Math.random( s2d.height ) );
    override function update(dt:Float) {
        for( c in clouds ){
            c.x += 0.1;
            if( c.x > s2d.width )
                c.x = 0;
        s2d.ysort( LAYER_FOR_BUILDINGS ); // buildings rendered in correct order!

Note that all we have to use is s2d.addChildAt( myobj, MY_LAYER ) instead of just s2d.addChild( myobj ) and finally we use s2d.ysort( LAYER_FOR_BUILDINGS ) to arrange all houses.