dead code elimination
Overview of Haxe code snippets, examples and tutorials tagged with dead code elimination.
May 24, 2016 JavaScript / Using Haxe classes in JavaScript
Normally, when compiling Haxe to JavaScript, the resulting code is kept away from the global scope. This means that you can't reach the Haxe generated code from other scripts. To make that possible, there's the @:expose metadata that can be used on a class. This makes the class exposed to the global scope, and therefore possible to use in plain JavaScript.‥
May 23, 2016 Compilation / Compiling libraries without main class
In most cases, you want a Main class with a static main function as entry point to start your program. However, there are cases where there is no need for this - for example if you are writing a library that other programs will be using. ‥
Jan 23, 2018 Beginner / Invoke object method by string
To invoke method by it's name you will need to use Reflection API.‥
Oct 20, 2016 Beginner / Access a field by string
This snippet shows how to use a string as a variable identifier using reflection.‥