Json is quite a strict format. Ensure all comma's and quotes are correct using a macro function, which is executed while compiling.
Macro function
class Validator { public static macro function validateJson(path:String) { haxe.macro.Context.registerModuleDependency(haxe.macro.Context.getLocalModule(), path); if (sys.FileSystem.exists(path)) { var content = sys.io.File.getContent(path); try { // Test the json by parsing it. // It will throw an error when you made a mistake. haxe.Json.parse(content); } catch (error:String) { // create position inside the json, FlashDevelop handles this very nice. var position = Std.parseInt(error.split("position").pop()); var pos = haxe.macro.Context.makePosition({ min:position, max:position + 1, file:path }); haxe.macro.Context.error(path + " is not valid Json. " + error, pos); } } else { haxe.macro.Context.warning(path + " does not exist", haxe.macro.Context.currentPos()); } return macro null; } }
This example only validates the .json files in debug builds and not in display mode (auto-completion). The function can be called from anywhere.
class Test { static function main() { #if (debug && !display) Validator.validateJson("assets/json/levels.json"); Validator.validateJson("assets/json/copy.json"); #end } }
Source: https://gist.github.com/markknol/59f0ede823f7d511362b