Haxe Code Cookbook
Haxe programming cookbookMacrosExtract values with pattern matching

Extract values with pattern matching

Reading time: 1 minute

Mostly useful to extract enum values from known enum instances. Allows to extract multiple variables at once. Takes most of expressions that are possible to use in switch expression.


#if macro
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;

class Match {
    public static macro function extract(value:Expr, pattern:Expr, ifNot:Array<Expr>) {
        var ifNot = switch(ifNot.length) {
            case 0: macro throw "don't match";
            case 1: ifNot[0];
            default: Context.error('too much arguments', ifNot[1].pos);
        var params = [];
        function getParamNames(expr:ExprDef) {
            switch(expr) {
                case EConst(CIdent(name)) | EBinop(OpArrow, _, {expr:EConst(CIdent(name))}): if (name != '_' && params.indexOf(name) < 0) params.push(name);
                case ECall(_, params): for (param in params) getParamNames(param.expr);
                case EBinop(OpArrow, _, expr): getParamNames(expr.expr);
                case EBinop(OpOr, expr0, expr1): getParamNames(expr0.expr); getParamNames(expr1.expr);
                case EObjectDecl(fields): for (field in fields) getParamNames(field.expr.expr);
                case EArrayDecl(values): for (value in values) getParamNames(value.expr);
                case EParenthesis(expr): getParamNames(expr.expr);
        var resultExpr = switch(params.length){
            case 1: macro $i{params[0]};
            case _: {expr:EObjectDecl(params.map(function(paramName) return {field:paramName, expr:macro $i{paramName}})), pos:Context.currentPos()};
        return macro {
            switch($value) {
                case $pattern: $resultExpr;
                case _: $ifNot;




enum Tree<T> {
  Node(l:Tree<T>, r:Tree<T>);

class MatchTest{

    static function assert(v, ?pos : haxe.PosInfos) if (!v) throw 'Assert failed. ' + pos;
    static function main() {
        //Enum matching
        assert("leaf0" == Match.extract(Leaf("leaf0"), Leaf(name)));
        assert("leaf1" == Match.extract(Node(Leaf("leaf0"), Leaf("leaf1")), Node(_, Leaf(leafName))));
        var result = Match.extract(Node(Leaf("leaf0"), Leaf("leaf1")), Node(Leaf(leafName0), Leaf(leafName1)));
        assert("leaf0" == result.leafName0);
        assert("leaf1" == result.leafName1);
        //Structure matching
        var myStructure = {
            name: "haxe",
            rating: "awesome"
        assert("haxe" == Match.extract(myStructure, {name:name}));
        var result = Match.extract(myStructure, {name:n, rating:r});
        assert("haxe" == result.n);
        assert("awesome" == result.r);
        //Array matching
        var myArray = [1, 6];
        assert(6 == Match.extract(myArray, [1, a])); 
        //Or patterns
        assert(2 == Match.extract(Node(Node(null, null), Leaf(2)), (Node(Leaf(s), _)|Node(_, Leaf(s)))));
        //Guards - not supported due to haxe macro syntax limitations
        //var result = Match.extract(myArray, [a, b] if a < b);
        //assert(result.a == 1 && result.b == 6);
        //Match on multiple values
        //have to force type to Array<Dynamic> to make it work, looks ugly
        var result = Match.extract(([1, false, "foo"]:Array<Dynamic>), [a, b, c]);
        assert(result.a == 1 && result.b == false && result.c == "foo");
        assert('foo' == Match.extract(Leaf('Foo'), Leaf(_.toLowerCase() => r)));
        //default value if not match
        assert(3 == Match.extract(myArray, [a, -1], 3));

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Category:  Macros