Virtually adds this property to a class:
public var myVar(get, null):Float; private inline function get_myVar():Float { return 1.5; }
Build macro
import haxe.macro.Context; import haxe.macro.Expr; class MyMacro { public static function build():Array<Field> { // get existing fields from the context from where build() is called var fields = Context.getBuildFields(); var value = 1.5; var pos = Context.currentPos(); var fieldName = "myVar"; var myFunc:Function = { expr: macro return $v{value}, // actual value ret: (macro:Float), // ret = return type args:[] // no arguments here } // create: `public var $fieldName(get,null)` var propertyField:Field = { name: fieldName, access: [Access.APublic], kind: FieldType.FProp("get", "null", myFunc.ret), pos: pos, }; // create: `private inline function get_$fieldName() return $value` var getterField:Field = { name: "get_" + fieldName, access: [Access.APrivate, Access.AInline], kind: FieldType.FFun(myFunc), pos: pos, }; // append both fields fields.push(propertyField); fields.push(getterField); return fields; } }
@:build( class Main { public function new() { trace(this.myVar); // 1.5; } }