A fixed ring array is especially useful when you need a hard upper bound for how much data can be in the queue.
// reference https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/linux/circ_buf.h @:generic class Ring<T> { var head: Int; var tail: Int; var cap: Int; var a: haxe.ds.Vector<T>; public function new(len) { if (len < 4) { len = 4; } else if (len & len - 1 > 0) { len--; len |= len >> 1; len |= len >> 2; len |= len >> 4; len |= len >> 8; len |= len >> 16; len++; // power of 2 } cap = len - 1; // only "len-1" available spaces a = new haxe.ds.Vector<T>(len); reset(); } public function reset() { head = 0; tail = 0; } public function push(v: T) { if (space() == 0) tail = (tail + 1) & cap; a[head] = v; head = (head + 1) & cap; } public function shift(): Null<T> { var ret:Null<T> = null; if (count() > 0) { ret = a[tail]; tail = (tail + 1) & cap; } return ret; } public function pop(): Null<T> { var ret:Null<T> = null; if (count() > 0) { head = (head - 1) & cap; ret = a[head]; } return ret; } public function unshift(v: T) { if (space() == 0) head = (head - 1) & cap; tail = (tail - 1) & cap; a[tail] = v; } public function toString() { return '[head: $head, tail: $tail, capacity: $cap]'; } public inline function count() return (head - tail) & cap; public inline function space() return (tail - head - 1) & cap; }
It's easy to implement undo/redo
@:generic class History<T> { var re: Ring<T>; var un: Ring<T>; public function new(len){ re = new Ring<T>(len); un = new Ring<T>(len); } public function redo(): Null<T> { var r = re.pop(); if (r != null) un.push(r); return r; } public function undo(): Null<T> { var u = un.pop(); if (u != null) re.push(u); return u; } public function add(v: T) { un.push(v); re.reset(); } } class Main { static function main() { var h = new History<Int>(4); h.add(1); h.add(2); h.add(3); h.add(4); // overrides the 1 h.add(5); eq(h.undo() == 5); eq(h.undo() == 4); eq(h.undo() == 3); eq(h.undo() == null); eq(h.redo() == 3); eq(h.redo() == 4); eq(h.redo() == 5); eq(h.redo() == null); trace("done!"); } static function eq(t: Bool, ?pos: haxe.PosInfos) { if (!t) throw '>>>>>> lineNumber: ${pos.lineNumber}'; } }