Haxe has a special range operator for(i in 0...5)
to iterate forward.
Because it requires min...max
, you cannot do for(i in 5...0)
, thus you cannot iterate backwards using this syntax.
You could use a while loop for this:
var total = 5; var i = total; while(i >= 0) { trace(i); i --; } // 5 // 4 // 3 // 2 // 1 // 0
This is not always optimal since you need variables outside the loop.
You can also create custom iterators which provide such functionality.
class ReverseIterator { var end:Int; var i:Int; public inline function new(start:Int, end:Int) { this.i = start; this.end = end; } public inline function hasNext() return i >= end; public inline function next() return i--; }
Loop from 5 to 0.
Reverse array iterator
Here is an example of a reverse iterator for arrays, which gives you value.
class ReverseArrayIterator<T> { final arr:Array<T>; var i:Int; public inline function new(arr:Array<T>) { this.arr = arr; this.i = this.arr.length - 1; } public inline function hasNext() return i > -1; public inline function next() { return arr[i--]; } public static inline function reversedValues<T>(arr:Array<T>) { return new ReverseArrayIterator(arr); } }
If you add using ReverseArrayIterator
to your class (or to global imports.hx), you can use for (item in array.reversedValues())
in your code.
But if you don't want to do that you can always do for (item in new ReverseArrayIterator(array))
using ReverseArrayIterator; class Test { public function new() { var fruits = ["apple", "banana", "pear"]; for (fruit in fruits.reversedValues()) { trace(fruit); } } }
Reverse key-value array iterator
Key value iterators are great because it gives you both the key and the value while iterating. Here is an example of a reverse iterator for arrays, which gives you both index and value.
class ReverseArrayKeyValueIterator<T> { final arr:Array<T>; var i:Int; public inline function new(arr:Array<T>) { this.arr = arr; this.i = this.arr.length - 1; } public inline function hasNext() return i > -1; public inline function next() { return {value: arr[i], key: i--}; } public static inline function reversedKeyValues<T>(arr:Array<T>) { return new ReverseArrayKeyValueIterator(arr); } }
If you add using ReverseArrayKeyValueIterator
to your class (or to global imports.hx), you can use for (idx => item in array.reversedKeyValues())
in your code.
But if you don't want to do that you can always do for (idx => fruit in new ReverseArrayKeyValueIterator(fruits))
using ReverseArrayKeyValueIterator; class Test { public function new() { var fruits = ["apple", "banana", "pear"]; for (idx => fruit in fruits.reversedKeyValues()) { trace(idx, fruit); } } }
Learn more about iterators here: https://haxe.org/manual/lf-iterators.html