Often, in games or UI, you might want to create a grid.
A custom iterators can provide such functionality.
class GridIterator { var gridWidth:Int = 0; var gridHeight:Int = 0; var i:Int = 0; public inline function new(gridWidth:Int, gridHeight:Int) { this.gridWidth = gridWidth; this.gridHeight = gridHeight; } public inline function hasNext() { return i < gridWidth * gridHeight; } public inline function next() { return new GridIteratorObject(i++, gridWidth); } } class GridIteratorObject { public var index(default, null):Int; public var x(default, null):Int; public var y(default, null):Int; public inline function new(index:Int, gridWidth:Int) { this.index = index; this.x = index % gridWidth; this.y = Std.int(index / gridWidth); } }
The following example uses the GridIterator and displays a grid of 6x5 using dark colored divs.
Because of the used js
package/features, it only compiles in the JavaScript target.
Grid Key value iterator
In Haxe 4, as alternative, you can also use a key value iterator.
class GridIterator { var gridWidth:Int = 0; var gridHeight:Int = 0; var i:Int = -1; public inline function new(gridWidth:Int, gridHeight:Int) { this.gridWidth = gridWidth; this.gridHeight = gridHeight; } public inline function hasNext() { return i < gridWidth * gridHeight; } public inline function next() { i++; return { key: i, value: { x: i % gridWidth, y: Std.int(i / gridWidth) } } } }
for (idx => pos in new GridIterator(6, 5)) { trace(idx, pos.x, pos.y); }
Learn more about iterators here: https://haxe.org/manual/lf-iterators.html